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Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

Pope John XXIII


From one broken man to another

I created these challenges after years of participating in men's programs, classes, and organizations, as well as reading stacks of books on faith, marriage, and fatherhood. Through these experiences, I've built up a personal collection of actions and habits that change my life for the better. Equally important, I've spectacularly failed to live up to the high calling of manhood in a variety of ways, which has shown me the areas that I (and maybe other men) need the most growth in.

The good news is that these challenges are nothing new. They're actually very old. Men have been doing faith, family, and work successfully for a long time but the bad news is that modern men have a host of new difficulties facing them and their families: endless entertainment, hyper consumerism, and constant noise. Additionally, we've lost some of the wisdom and knowledge that our ancestors had. So I've thrown in some philosophy, theology, and science that show how each challenge can benefit your life.


Are you ready to get offline and back into your life? Do you want to invest yourself in the most important aspects of your life? Are you ready to take the next step in your journey as a man? Then let's do this.


- Sam Knotts

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